Hornsey Hammocks was founded in April 2020 at the start of the first COVID19 lockdown. With so much free time and amazing Spring weather, the initial idea for the first prototype came from “a problem in my own garden: I wanted a hammock, but didn’t have a pair of trees or a strong fence to attach it to” says Josh Harris, inventor of the Folding Frame. “I started to mess around with a few designs for a cheap wooden braced design, and after a few attempts realised I could build it in such a way that it would fold away and therefore would be a lot easier to store. After a few goes I had something nice and strong that actually looked alright too! A few friends suggested that it might be something people would be interested in buying, so I stuck it on Etsy to judge for myself and it started selling straight away! By mid-summer I was almost selling more than I could make in my spare time, which was considerable due to the lockdown.
“After a successful summer season last year I decided to jump with two feet into the project and develop a proper product that I could make more of and to a higher standard. I’ve collaborated with a few businesses to get the frame perfect and it’s great to still be working with all British suppliers and using ethically sourced materials, and still be able to produce a great product at an affordable price. Everything is still hand finished and assembled personally by me to ensure each frame is up to the standard I’d expect from my own.”